Are you ready???
(for my newer friends that are just learning about the Poppy Seed Challenge, visit this blog post for an explanation) I really appreciate you posting the above graphic on you blog post too... but it's by far not a requirement.
I thought that in honor of St. Patrick's Day green needed to be the color of choice!!!
You might have spied this over at Nichole's blog a few weeks ago... but I hadn't had a chance to share it here. I used Baby Button Bits and Polka Dot basics II to create this lovely. My craft knife was used to trim out the pod for the buttons to sit in.
I adore the Large Kraft Coffee bags for gifts... so amazingly easy to create with!
So... here is your chance to bloom! Take the three seeds and make sure you use at least one of EACH on your project. One Button, One Light Moss something and cluster of polka dots. (One dot wouldn't really be a polka dot huh! LOL!) Five (5) projects will be chosen to be highlighted on my blog. The deadline for entering is Thursday March 25th at 11:30 PM PST.(Mr. Linky will close by itself then) Bloomers will be posted no later than March 28th. Please make sure to enter the exact URL to your project. you MAY enter more than one project... just make sure they have separate URLs please. Feel free to ask any questions by commenting on this post and I will respond in the comments section!
I'm so excited to see what you all create! Thanks for poppying by friends!
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